Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Practicing Typing

Head on over to Fun to Type  to practice your typing! Choose one or more of the typing games and practice away! Students, our goal is to use technology to produce and publish writing. Today we are practicing this by demonstrating sufficient command of keyboarding skills. (W.6.6.)

Monday, November 3, 2014

American Indians

1. Go to the website: http://auth.grolier.com/login/tfx/login.php 
2. Enter Username and password
3. Click on American Indians
4. Choose between Apache, Comanche, Inuit, or Iroquis
5. Read the text assigned to your question

Apache: What was unique about Geronimo? Pages 33-37
Comanche: What was unique about how the Comanche lived? Pages 19-31
Inuit: What was unique about how the Inuit lived? Pages 13-30
What was unique about the Iroquis' housing? Pages 17-21

6. Write a paragraph using RACE or ACE. Be sure to restate the question, answer, and cite evidence!