Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Practicing Typing

Head on over to Fun to Type  to practice your typing! Choose one or more of the typing games and practice away! Students, our goal is to use technology to produce and publish writing. Today we are practicing this by demonstrating sufficient command of keyboarding skills. (W.6.6.)

Monday, November 3, 2014

American Indians

1. Go to the website: http://auth.grolier.com/login/tfx/login.php 
2. Enter Username and password
3. Click on American Indians
4. Choose between Apache, Comanche, Inuit, or Iroquis
5. Read the text assigned to your question

Apache: What was unique about Geronimo? Pages 33-37
Comanche: What was unique about how the Comanche lived? Pages 19-31
Inuit: What was unique about how the Inuit lived? Pages 13-30
What was unique about the Iroquis' housing? Pages 17-21

6. Write a paragraph using RACE or ACE. Be sure to restate the question, answer, and cite evidence!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Share Your Topic Sentence

Click on the link and create a sticky note. Respond to the prompt on the sticky note:

1. Your Name
2. What topic sentence would you use for the writing prompt:
Think about the accomplished Ben Carson. Think about how hard Ben Carson worked to get there. Choose two important parts of his life to describe Ben Carson in a multiple paragraph paper.
3. What topic sentence is this? Simple Declarative, Number Sentence, Quality Question, Situation, Stance

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Blog Buddies

         Mr. Brown         Ms. Danielsen            Ms. Danielsen
Beyenhof, NatalieMeade, IsabelGrover, Kali
Merksick, TonyMurphy, Ben Drury, Brenden
Schwarte, FebeeBarnes, LindseyWhite, Kendall
Smith, JordynLoesche, ChiaraBell, Abby
Wells, CrystaCline, Jordan Cooling, Kylie
Bach, HaleyMathews, NickSherman, Janie
Dunlap, TiffanyCashen, AlyssaLevi, Carsyn
Edwards, EvanMatthews, EthanMoeller, Aiden
Flanagan, BaileyLane, KalebStallman, Sarah
Henry, Britton AlanOpitz, JakeBerdecia, Anthony
Miller, MallorySanders, TannerPanosh, Zach
Livingston, EmmaValde, JustinBates, Faith
Pettepier, McKennaStarefos, TrinityLorimer, Tori
Reddick, JadeMejbon, LeahPatel, Yuvi
Elam, TaylorDeLarm, BrodieSo, Nick
Filippi-Johns, IliaKim, SuhoQuick, Patience
DeVault, SaraMiller, JacaraFlugge, Brylie
Gillett, OliviaEvans, JoshYohane, Obed
Teply, BraydonRabik, KaneJohnson, Keegan
Thayer, BrandonSchultz, BradyHaudenshield, Nathan
Prater, AmerieHarmening, LilyCho, DongHyun
Reyes, Kristy
Rhoades, AlexandriaStephens, KianaHuang, Maggie
Reiss, JadenDeangeloGarcia, Daisy

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Literary Devices

Didn't know that they were in movies or in songs? Well, they are! And we use them all the time. Think about some of the devices that you use in your everyday.

Student Goals

Share your goals for reading this year. Your goals need to include how many books you want to read by the end of this trimester. It also needs to include one area that you want to improve in or learn about.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Extension students' topics

Ligers: Obed
Animal Medicine: Jake
Animals are our friends: Maggie
Alligators: Brady
Animal Trainers: Nathan
Black Mamba: Brodie
Tigers: Esteban
African Wild Dogs: Leah
Black Panthers: Patience
Lions: Ben
Rainforest: Kiana
Deadliest Animals: Jacara
Megalodon: Brenden
Prehistoric Animals: Nick
White Tiger: DongHyun
Lamas: Aiden
Sea Creatures: Deangelo
Monkeys: Zach
Sharks: Keegan
Lion Monkey: Kane
Wolves: Nick M.
______: Josh

Sunday, August 24, 2014

These book interests you? What do you read next?

Check out this list of books that may interest you! Thanks to http://theotherdani.blogspot.ca/2013/05/book-recommendations.html for the resource!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014